Category: Spiritual Formation

Prospective: Christ’s Second Coming

How can you overcome the grave when you see your loved one die? The biblical view gives us hope through a proper prospective—longing for Christ’s return.

Faith and Science

Faith answers the fundamental questions of life; science can open our eyes to wonder and awe. Together they point to the splendors of God.

A Purpose-Filled Life

God has given you both a universal and a unique purpose in life. He calls you to a life of ministry through your unique circumstances and the prism of your personality.

Our Transcendent, Immanent God

Our Creator is both transcendent and immanent. The wonders of creation point to His greatness and holiness; special revelation shows His immanence.

Growing in Passion for God

Do fear and love go together? When it comes to growing our passion for God, they do—reverential awe for his holiness and joy from His intimacy with us.

The Wonders of Our Creator

What role does creation play in pointing us to God? Job 38–41 answers this, showing how the wonders of the world demonstrate the wonders of our Creator.

Our Redeemer Lives

“If a man dies, will he live again?” (Job 14:14) How we answer this fundamental question determines whether or not we have hope in the midst of suffering.

The Power of the Holy Spirit

“If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25 NASB95). One mark of the disciple is depending on the power of the Holy Spirit.

Trusting God in Suffering

The first two chapters of Job give us a divine perspective on trials. We may not understand God’s purposes, but we can trust His sovereignty and goodness.

Practicing the Spiritual Disciplines

We cannot achieve righteousness on our own. However, when we have been identified with Christ, He gives us practices to conform us to His image.