Category: Spiritual Formation

Watching Your Words

You can never outgrow the wisdom in the books of the Bible. Proverbs, for example, will challenge us to watch our words and honor God with our lips.

Cultivating Character

You will either judge Scripture according to your culture, or you will judge your culture according to Scripture. We are immersed in chaos in our culture in many ways. But we know that the King is coming, and we need to cultivate character to live in light of that Day.

The Details of Life

True heavenly fame is compatible with earthbound anonymity. As we grow in wisdom, we will store up treasure for ourselves in heaven.

Growing in Wisdom through Proverbs

Wisdom is not about how smart you are—after all, there are a lot of smart fools. Instead, wisdom involves moral excellence and dependence on God.

God Fills Our Emptiness

The parts of our lives that feel most empty are often the parts God most uses to draw us to Himself. Read about Michael Card’s discovery of this truth.

Sharing Wisdom

Part of growing in wisdom involves sharing it with others—learning from what others teach us and passing on wisdom to those around us.

Glorifying God in Mundane Tasks

God calls us to love Him in all things—even when we do not like all things. Every task, however mundane it may be, is an opportunity to give God glory.

Gratuitous Beauty

God has made His creation beautiful and marvelous—we cannot understand it. The more we see of His glory, the more we realize we cannot fully understand Him.

Choosing a Life of Wisdom

True wisdom involves treating things according to their true value. To do so, we need an eternal perspective from training in the Word and in prayer.

God’s Intricate Creation

God’s intricate creation reveals His glory; from the smallest of microorganisms to the grandeur of the universe, His general revelation displays who He is.