Corporate Spirituality: Part 12—Accountability and Rule

Corporate Spirituality: Part 12—Accountability and Rule

Ken Boa reviews the previous session’s discussion of counseling and servant leadership. He then moves into a discussion of accountability in the body of Christ. This area can be taken to an extreme; some totally ignore accountability to others, while others take a harsh, authoritarian approach to accountability that can do more harm than good. A balanced view “esteems the value of being in relationship with people who loves us enough to take the risks of honesty and candor when necessary.”[note]In Kenneth Boa, Conformed to His Image, p. 444.[/note]

Related to accountability and our corporate life together, a “rule” refers to a pattern of disciplines practiced by a community (as in the Rule of St. Benedict); this type of pattern can be agreed upon with friends or among members of a larger community, or it can be a personal rule. Either way, a rule should be guided by a spirit of true freedom, with a desire for increasing skill in the spiritual life, not by rigidity or legalism.

Note: This session is based on material in chapter 36 in Ken’s book Conformed to His Image. 

Get the book upon which this series is based. [vector_icon icon=”fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-right”]

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