The Power of Prayer

Many of us get into a rut of routine in our quiet times that lacks relationship with God. We approach God strategically, looking for Him to do our wills instead of surrendering ourselves to His. We can talk His ear off, so to speak, without ever listening to His desires or His direction for our lives. Because of this, we stand in need of reorientation regarding prayer.

Prayer is the prelude to effective ministry. Whether formal or informal, we invite God to instruct us and show us how we are to fulfill His purposes for us in specific ways. This is a battlefield; Satan seeks to divert our attention from God because we have free and gracious access to God. Because we are His children, He listens to our prayers. Prayer, then, is how the spiritual battle is won.

Why Should I Pray?

Even in knowing that prayer is important, however, we still may wonder what good it does. Here is a selective list of why we should pray:

  • Prayer enhances our fellowship and intimacy with God (Psalm 116:1–2).
  • The Scriptures command us to pray (Luke 18:1).
  • When we pray, we follow the example of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:35).
  • Prayer appropriates God’s power (Ephesians 3:16).
  • We receive special help from God when we pray (Hebrews 4:16).
  • Prayer makes a genuine difference (Luke 11:10)
  • Prayer develops our understanding and knowledge of God (Psalm 37:3–6).
  • Our prayers and God’s answers give us peace and joy (Philippians 4:6–7).
  • Prayer helps us understand and accomplish God’s purposes for our lives (Colossians 1:9–11).
  • Prayer changes our attitudes and desires (2 Corinthians 12:7–9).

As we pray, it is important to note that we do not need to become trapped in one particular form. The Lord’s Prayer can help us understand how to pray, and we can use its principles to inform and deepen our own prayers to God.

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