Tag: church

Individual and Collective Wisdom

In jass music, individual and collective components work together cohesively. The Body of Christ works in a similar way—we learn on our own and from others.

Biblical Leadership and Community

Biblical leadership and community help us mature in our Christian faith. We need to speak the truth to one another in love, building one another up.

Jesus’ Gifts to the Church

What does our salvation include? When Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave us His Holy Spirit, and He also gave us gifts for the edification of His Body.

The Clarity of the New Covenant

Having explored the clarity of the new covenant, Paul prays that his fellow believers would be enabled to live well out of their enlightenment in Christ.

The Mystery of the Church

The work of Jesus Christ changed everything. With His coming, God more fully revealed His plan, including the mystery of the church.

Barriers Broken Down

Sin separates, but grace brings things together. If we have been saved by the blood of Christ, then we are part of His Body in all its unity and diversity.

Q&A Session: August 28, 2020

How can the church continue to have fellowship even in seasons of isolation, such as with COVID-19? Through prayer, devotions, and studying the Word of God, we can still have intimacy with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

2 Peter: The Nature of False Teachers

How do we recognize false teachers? Many of them are in our own churches, and they seem to be a part of the body of Christ. But there are distinguishing factors, and Peter discusses those marks in chapter 2 of his epistle.