Tag: creation

A Closer Look at Creation

God designed the exquisite wonders of the natural world. The closer we look, the more we see that evolution cannot account for the complexity we see.

The Wisdom of an Eternal Perspective

The wisdom psalms teach us to treat things according to their true value. They give us perspective to see what is temporal and what is eternal, enabling us to live in light of that reality.

Glory in the Diversity of Creation

If your God is small, your problems will seem big. But if your God is big, your problems will be small. Studying creation can increase your view of God.

The Architecture of Nature

The greatness of God is on marvelous display in the universe. We need only take a closer look at everything around us in order to see it and glorify Him for the gratuitous beauty He has put into creation.

Immersed in Glory and Beauty

We are immersed in beauty in wonder. The problem is, we often do not see it. We need to train ourselves to see the glory of the Creator in nature.

The Complexity of Creation

The more we look at creation, the more we see that evolution and natural selection cannot account for the complexity and gratuitous beauty we see.

The Greatness of Our God

God is of inconceivable magnitude and glory. We cannot even understand the natural things of the world; the mind of God is far above our own.

Hope in God

God calls us to live doxologically in every aspect of our lives—even when we experience suffering. The book of God teaches us to find satisfaction in God no matter our circumstances, transforming our “why” of grumbling into one of gratitude.

Gratuitous Beauty

God has made His creation beautiful and marvelous—we cannot understand it. The more we see of His glory, the more we realize we cannot fully understand Him.

God’s Intricate Creation

God’s intricate creation reveals His glory; from the smallest of microorganisms to the grandeur of the universe, His general revelation displays who He is.