Tag: love

The Five Loves—and the Highest of These Is Agape Love

In the article below, Dr. Boa synthesizes material from several teaching sessions from his series Biblical Principles for Marriage and from portions of his spiritual formation text Conformed to His Image (primarily from chapter 18, “Holistic Spirituality”). Dr. Boa focuses on agape love as one of the five forms of loves (based on the different Greek words). After reviewing all forms, he gives reasons for why agape is the greatest.

Agape Love in English and Greek Bibles

The Five Loves—and the Highest of These Is Agape Love?

This 2-part article by Ken Boa and Michael Stewart explores the nature of agape love. In Part 1, Ken argues for agape as the highest form of love, a divine love that help us to love others well, especially in marriage. In Part 2, Michael considers the nature of language and raises the question of whether we understand agape correctly.

The Love of God

The Bible tells us that “God is love” (1 John 4:16). When God loves, He is simply being Himself, and this goes for all His other attributes as well (such as His goodness and justice). Because God is eternal, His love has no beginning and no end. Because

1 Corinthians 13: The Love of Christ in Us

Christianity is not so much a religion as it is a romance. It is the story of a God who woos us to Himself and calls us His bride. It is the story of our lives becoming more and more like the life of Christ, learning to love like He loves us.

Conforming to Christ

What does it look like to imitate God? We need to look at the life of Christ, learning how to love others as He loved us.

Unity in the Christian Faith

What is the essence of truth? The answer to this question comes down to the fundamentals of the Christian faith, which Paul lays out in Ephesians 4:4–6.

Persuasive Peacemaking

We truly begin to walk in wisdom when our speech demonstrates self-control. Instead of answering out of anger, speak calmly out of love.

Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Responding to Muslims

Our natural reaction to persecution is anger, but Jesus calls us to love and serve our enemies.