Tag: now

Time: Part 4—Time & God

Our conventional view of time is insufficient to explain the eternal nature of God. As the one who created our space-time universe and stands outside of time, God always was and always is; there’s never been a time when He didn’t exist. He alone is able to survey time in its entire duration. Some of the things related to God’s purposes, such as free will, election, and divine sovereignty, are mysterious to us because of our own limited view of time.

Time: Part 3—The Inadequacy of Conventional Views

The fact that God’s view of time is different than ours and that there are many instances of precognition (seeing events before they happen, as in the case of John and the book of Revelation) are two reasons to reject our conventional view of time as complete. While some have proposed multiple dimensions of time to explain these phenomena, there’s much we simply do not know, except that our ordinary sense of time seems to be inadequate.