Tag: revelation

The Mystery of the Church

The work of Jesus Christ changed everything. With His coming, God more fully revealed His plan, including the mystery of the church.

The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible (Story #51): Revelation

It was hard enough for early Christians after most of the apostles died. Less than 40 years after Jesus’ ascension, Jerusalem was leveled and the temple was destroyed. John writes to these persecuted Christians of the things to come.

Time: Part 3—The Inadequacy of Conventional Views

The fact that God’s view of time is different than ours and that there are many instances of precognition (seeing events before they happen, as in the case of John and the book of Revelation) are two reasons to reject our conventional view of time as complete. While some have proposed multiple dimensions of time to explain these phenomena, there’s much we simply do not know, except that our ordinary sense of time seems to be inadequate.

1 Peter Study, Part 14 (at Christ Church): Marriage God’s Way

Dr. Boa discusses the notion of marriage God’s way.  It is a one-flesh relationship that is borne out of a calling for a man and a woman to complete one another.  It is a unity out of diversity; a spirit, soul, and physical oneness; an organic unity that points beyond itself to spiritual truth.

1 Peter Study, Part 6 (at Christ Church): Citizens of Heaven

Peter’s first epistle was written near the end of his life and it is designed to give us perspective.  He tells us that we get to see things that the saints of the Old Testament could not see.  And in light of these things, we have a living hope that brings confidence and stability and we can live in a manner that anticipates these future glories.