Tag: science

Addressing the “Errors” of the Bible

Because the Bible claims to be the Word of God, and because the implications of that claim are life-changing, critics of every age have put the Bible under intense scrutiny. But the Bible has withstood and will continue to withstand all objections.

Science, Faith, and Reason: Biogenesis and Information Theory

In the 19th century, individual cells were thought to be the simple building blocks that made up complex organisms. Since then, however, we have discovered that the cells themselves are just as complex as the organisms they are a part of. The more we study them, the more astonishing and elegant they appear.

Gratuitous Beauty

God has made His creation beautiful and marvelous—we cannot understand it. The more we see of His glory, the more we realize we cannot fully understand Him.

God’s Intricate Creation

God’s intricate creation reveals His glory; from the smallest of microorganisms to the grandeur of the universe, His general revelation displays who He is.

Faith and Science

Faith answers the fundamental questions of life; science can open our eyes to wonder and awe. Together they point to the splendors of God.