Tag: trusting God

The Wonders of Our Creator

What role does creation play in pointing us to God? Job 38–41 answers this, showing how the wonders of the world demonstrate the wonders of our Creator.

Our Redeemer Lives

“If a man dies, will he live again?” (Job 14:14) How we answer this fundamental question determines whether or not we have hope in the midst of suffering.

Trusting God in Suffering

The first two chapters of Job give us a divine perspective on trials. We may not understand God’s purposes, but we can trust His sovereignty and goodness.

Learning from Adversity

We can draw three applications from Job: “Why” is a difficult question to answer, we should comfort the suffering, and God uses suffering to test us.

Acts 27: Surviving the Storm

Acts 27 tells a story of high drama—a storm at sea, a shipwreck, and a nefarious plot to kill those aboard the ship. Through it all, Paul trusted in God.

The Wisdom of Job

Is God sovereign despite the suffering of the innocent? The book of Job answers this, teaching us to trust in God even when we do not understand His ways.

Purpose in Our Pain

George Dennehy was born without arms. But even in the midst of his suffering, he has hope. Why? Because he knows God has a purpose in it.

Don’t Waste Your Wealth

What we do with our money matters. The world tempts us to use money for earthly benefits, but there is a way to leverage temporal gain for the eternal.

The Folly of Loving Money

The love of money can lead to spiritual adultery. Proverbs gives us three reasons why focusing on making money over loving God is foolish.

Deuteronomy 4: Leaving a Legacy

Trusting in God seems like a risk to us, but it is always worth it. Moses reminded the Israelites of this truth in Deuteronomy 4.