From Handbook to Wisdom, Day 151 (Wisdom)
The sons of this world are more shrewd
in dealing with their own kind than are the sons of light.
I would be wise to use worldly wealth
to make friends for myself, so that when it is gone,
they may welcome me into the eternal dwellings.
(Luke 16:8–9)
What is my hope or joy or crown of rejoicing
in the presence of the Lord Jesus at His coming?
My glory and joy is the people
in whose lives I have been privileged to have a ministry.
(1 Thessalonians 2:19–20)
Lord God, grant me the grace of an eternal perspective so that I will treat people in light of eternity. I ask for the wisdom of investing the resources You have entrusted to me in the lives of people—immortal beings You have put in my path. May I give my life in exchange for that which can never be lost or corrupted. Amen.