Daily Encouragement: Day 264

Adapted from: Handbook to Spiritual Growth


Our highest calling is to grow in our knowledge of Christ and to make Him known to others. If any person, possession, or position is elevated above the Lord Jesus in our minds and affections, we will be unable to fulfill this great calling. A key secret of those who finish well is to focus more on loving Jesus than on avoiding sin. The more we love Jesus, the more we will learn to put our confidence in Him alone. Peter Kreeft, in Christianity for Modern Pagans, wrote:

“The great divide, the eternal divide, is not between theists and atheists, or between happiness and unhappiness, but between seekers (lovers) and nonseekers (nonlovers) of the Truth (for God is Truth). … We can seek health, happiness, or holiness; physical health, mental health, or spiritual health as our summum bonum, our greatest good. … Christ’s first question in John’s Gospel is the crucial one: ‘What do you seek?’ (1:38). This question determines what we will find, determines our eternal destiny, determines everything.”

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