Daily Encouragement: Day 284

Adapted from Handbook to Spiritual Growth


The love of God is the wellspring of biblical faith and hope. Consider these truths from Paul’s epistle to the Romans:

  • In the book of nature, God reveals His eternal power and divine nature (1:20).
  • In the book of human conscience, He reveals our imperfection and guilt (2:14–16).
  • Only in the book of Scripture, however, does God reveal His limitless love that can overcome our guilt and transform us into new creatures in Christ. God’s loyal love for us is causeless (5:6), measureless (5:7–8), and ceaseless (5:9–11).
  • There was nothing in us that merited or evoked His love; indeed, Christ died for us when we were His ungodly enemies.
  • God’s love is spontaneous and unending—He loved us because He chose to love us. Having responded to Christ’s offer of forgiveness and relationship with Him, nothing can separate us from that love or diminish it (8:35–39).
  • We are secure in the Lord’s unconditional love; since we belong to Christ, nothing we do can cause God to love us more, and nothing we do can cause God to love us less.

Today, may you exult in these truths about our loving God and Father!

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