Category: Living Out Your Faith

Eagle Ranch Men’s Retreat Session 2

This is the second teaching session from the Sept. 2019 Reflections Ministries Men’s Retreat: Living, Transitioning, and Finishing Well.

Eagle Ranch Men’s Retreat Session 1

This is the first teaching session from the Sept. 2019 Reflections Ministries Men’s Retreat: Living, Transitioning, and Finishing Well.

The Spiritual Life: Knowing and Loving God

Scripture tells us that the more we know God, the more we love Him—but His love for us never changes. He already knows us and fully loves us, calling us to obedience in Him.

The Spiritual Life: Practicing God’s Presence – Praise and Reflection

Revelation reveals to us that the Logos, the second person of the Trinity, became one of us and shed His blood on our behalf. Reflection on the truth of God’s Word gives us a greater appreciation for beauty of God’s works, which enjoins us to the delight of God’s praise.

The Spiritual Life: Relationship with God

Unlike other religions, Christianity reveals the Triune nature of our glorious God. This is mysterious in itself—but God goes even farther and draws us into this loving relationship with Himself.

The Spiritual Life: Overview

What does it mean to have life in Christ? How do you cultivate intimacy with the Lord? There are three aspects to having a relational spiritual life: (1) loving God completely, (2) loving yourself correctly, and (3) loving others compassionately. One cannot begin this process without first knowing who God is.

Being, Knowing, and Doing—Part 30 (Stewardship Continued)

Of all that God has given us, people are those things who are ends in themselves. Because of this, using our time, talent, and treasure as means to that end—as means to help people trust Jesus and live like Him—has incalculable worth.

Being, Knowing, and Doing—Part 29 (Stewardship Continued)

So far in our study, we’ve looked at what it means to be faithful stewards of our time, talent, and treasure. However, God has given us His truth as well. We rarely think of truth as something to steward, but we will all be accountable for the truth

Being, Knowing, and Doing—Part 28 (Stewardship Continued)

Not only does stewardship involve the wise management of our time and money, but it also involves the faithful use of our talents. How can you use the special talents and abilities God has given you for His glory and for the edification of others?