Prospective: Christ’s Second Coming

Prospective: Christ’s Second Coming

How can you overcome the grave when you see your loved one die?

Only in the biblical worldview do we find a hope that transcends the grave. This life is a preparation for what is to come, which is why disciples need to have a proper prospective—a longing in anticipation for the return of the Lord.

Hoping in Christ

When someone we love dies in Christ, we rightfully grieve. But we should not grieve as unbelievers do, because that person is alive in Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:13).

One day, God will raise up those who have already died in Christ. They are already in His presence, but they too await Jesus’ second coming and the physical resurrection from the dead, just like we do. They are currently living a disembodied life, waiting for the new heavens and the new earth (2 Corinthians 5:4).

Our comfort comes from Jesus’ second coming—we know that when He returns, death will be ultimately defeated and will no longer have a hold on us. We will be with Him forever, dwelling in the light of His glory.

Living in Light of Jesus’ Return

Jesus calls us to prepare for His return (Matthew 25:1–13). How can this knowledge motivate you to live in the present?

One way is to grow increasingly homesick for your true home. This earth, after all, is transitory. We cannot keep any earthly riches—our retirement fund, our house, our car, our promotions. Everything will pass away, so we need to be storing up treasure in heaven.

Meditating on Scripture passages about Jesus’ second coming and the new creation can help hone this homesickness. Try using some of the verses in this teaching video as you ponder and pray about living in light of Jesus’ second coming.

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Watch Ken’s previous Friday morning study videos here.

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