Tag: podcast

Ken Boa Interviewed by Hole in My Heart Ministries

“I don’t think we have ever been as surprised as we were with Kenneth Boa,” writes Hole in My Heart Ministries, who interviewed Dr. Ken Boa for its podcast published December 14, 2019. The podcast, “Practically Living in the Presence of God,” focused on the topic of Ken’s

Tree rings

Transitioning Well: Part 1

This podcast is from Ken Boa’s presentation on transitioning well from midlife, delivered March 21, 2019, to a men’s event organized by the Center for Executive Leadership in Birmingham, AL.


“Listening In” Interview with Warren Cole Smith on “Reading” Films

In spring 2018, Ken Boa led a session for the Colson Center for Christian Worldview on “How to ‘Read’ a Film.” Warren Cole Smith, who facilitated the course, decided to sit down with Ken afterward and discuss more in-depth his 10-part process for evaluating films. This was the

Podcast with SES on Life in the Presence of God

“It’s not a matter of time but of intentionality.” Dr. Boa spoke recently with SES’s Adam Tucker on this and other themes of his new book, Life in the Presence of God (IVP, 2017).