Tag: redemption

The Work of the Trinity

Our identity in Christ stems from the work of the Trinity: the Father adopted us, the Son redeemed us, and the Spirit sealed us.

A Triune Praise

Our salvation is a work of the Triune God: the work of the Father, Son, and Spirit. Ephesians 1:3–14 is a single sentence praising Him for this work.

The Passover and The Feast of Unleavened Bread

Both the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread represented the Israelites’ deliverance from bondage in Egypt. With the coming of Jesus Christ, however, they were fulfilled and their meaning was explained.

Relational Spirituality Part 2: Dignity of Humanity

If our value was based on size, we would be of hardly any worth at all compared to the sun, moon, and stars. But God has made us in His image and chosen to rescue us from our sin and restore our relationship with Him. This is what gives us worth.

Exodus 13: Paying the Price

Exodus 13 focuses in on what redemption means for the people of Israel. But we can glean insights into our own redemption because Scripture is ultimately about God, not us.

Identity Affirmations 2

The world seeks to infiltrate our minds with lies. But we must do battle with these lies by daily affirming the truths found in Scripture about our identity in Christ.

Broken Christmas ornament

Redeeming Our Broken Stories

Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, was born into the world to redeem us and heal our broken stories.