Tag: trust

1 Samuel 9: Trusting the True King

The temptation to seek after the visible and temporal rather than the invisible and eternal is not new. Looking at 1 Samuel, we see that the Israelites struggled with this temptation in regard to their rulers.

Trust and Humility in Kairos Moments

you need to make the most of the kairos moments—those moments of each day when God invites you to join His plan and submit to His will instead of clinging to your own plans and your own will.

Honoring God in Our Marriages

Out of our joy, love, and gratitude in Christ, we are to love others. As we keep in step with the Spirit, recalibrating our lives to obey His voice, we will approach our relationships with love—including the marriage relationship.

Living by the Spirit

How do you make the most of your time? Obedience to God and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit are key to the Christian life.

The Wonders of Our Creator

What role does creation play in pointing us to God? Job 38–41 answers this, showing how the wonders of the world demonstrate the wonders of our Creator.

Walking in Wisdom

Insight and knowledge go hand in hand with practical righteousness. The book of Proverbs shows us how the fear of the Lord leads us to walk in wisdom.

Morning Affirmations 4

When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you think about the upcoming day? Proverbs 3:5–6 tells us that our daily perspective ought to be founded on trust in the Lord.