Tag: interview

Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Responding to Muslims

Our natural reaction to persecution is anger, but Jesus calls us to love and serve our enemies.

Ken Boa Interviewed by Hole in My Heart Ministries

“I don’t think we have ever been as surprised as we were with Kenneth Boa,” writes Hole in My Heart Ministries, who interviewed Dr. Ken Boa for its podcast published December 14, 2019. The podcast, “Practically Living in the Presence of God,” focused on the topic of Ken’s


“Listening In” Interview with Warren Cole Smith on “Reading” Films

In spring 2018, Ken Boa led a session for the Colson Center for Christian Worldview on “How to ‘Read’ a Film.” Warren Cole Smith, who facilitated the course, decided to sit down with Ken afterward and discuss more in-depth his 10-part process for evaluating films. This was the

Image of Frank Viola's blog with Boa interview

Frank Viola’s Top 100 List Now Features Life in the Presence of God

Post Date: January 15, 2018 Author, blogger, and speaker Frank Viola recently added Life in the Presence of God to his list of “The Best 100 Christian Books Ever Written.” I was honored to then interview with him about some thought-provoking questions and topics that my book tends to raise. Read

Screen shot of Bible Gateway blog

Bible Gateway Interview

Post Date: December 14, 2017 Life in the Presence of God has been out for one month now, and I’ve enjoyed interacting with those who’ve read the book. I recently conducted a written interview with Bible Gateway, answering questions such as, “What is a Christian’s ‘quiet time’ and why