Category: Living Out Your Faith

Identity Affirmations 5

We try to define ourselves in many ways. As followers of Christ, we should find our identity in Him.

Identity Affirmations 4

In times of cultural chaos, we need to live by faith and not by fear. Life is short, but God has given an eternal inheritance to those who love Him.

Identity Affirmations 3

When you have trouble believing that you are a new creature in Christ Jesus, affirm your identity with truth.

Identity Affirmations 2

The world seeks to infiltrate our minds with lies. But we must do battle with these lies by daily affirming the truths found in Scripture about our identity in Christ.

Identity Affirmations 1

The world is involved in a grand scheme of identity theft. It wants to define us, and not according to God’s Word. We must practice identity affirmations that remind us who and Whose we are.

The Life of Christ in Us

It is easy to forget that we are called to have a personal intimacy with Jesus Christ. We may have head knowledge, but we need more than that.

Four Transforming Words

When we experience difficulty in our faith, four simple words from Psalm 37 can transform our walk with God: trust, delight, commit, and wait.

The Sanctity of Human Life

Reflections Ministries Vice President Michael Stewart speaks on abortion during this National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday sermon.