Tag: time

2 Peter: Living in Light of the End

The apparent delay of Christ’s return is due to His patience with sinful humanity. He desires more and more people to come to a saving knowledge of Christ before He comes in judgment. Therefore, Peter exhorts us to live each day in light of that coming Day and to grow in our knowledge of Jesus Christ.

The Voyage of Life: The Cross and the World

Thomas Cole’s depiction of The Cross and the World compels us to put our hopes in the things that will last forever rather than in the brevity of human creations.

The Voyage of Life: What Lasts?

Films often reflect common cultural questions. Ken engages with three films that all ask the question of how we ought to live in light of death.

The Voyage of Life: Our Eternal Home

Memories bring with them a sense of grief at lost hopes and dreams. But reflecting on them can help prepare us for our eternal home, remembering that our short lives lead us to eternity.

The Voyage of Life: Victory over Death

Is life a meaningless cycle of birth, growth, decay, and death? Or is there a purpose to life? We must find our hope in Jesus Christ, the Lord over space and time.

The Voyage of Life: Aging Wisely

Every one of us experiences birth, growth, decay, and death, a pattern depicted in Thomas Cole’s Voyage of Life paintings. What can these paintings teach us about life right now and eternity?