Tag: time

Time: Part 4—Time & God

Our conventional view of time is insufficient to explain the eternal nature of God. As the one who created our space-time universe and stands outside of time, God always was and always is; there’s never been a time when He didn’t exist. He alone is able to survey time in its entire duration. Some of the things related to God’s purposes, such as free will, election, and divine sovereignty, are mysterious to us because of our own limited view of time.

Time: Part 3—The Inadequacy of Conventional Views

The fact that God’s view of time is different than ours and that there are many instances of precognition (seeing events before they happen, as in the case of John and the book of Revelation) are two reasons to reject our conventional view of time as complete. While some have proposed multiple dimensions of time to explain these phenomena, there’s much we simply do not know, except that our ordinary sense of time seems to be inadequate.

Time: Part 2—Time & Physics

Ken Boa discusses how the findings of physics have had an impact on our understanding of time. Rather than seeing it as absolute, we now understand it to be relative to a reference point. Also, as we can see from verses like 2 Peter 3:8, God is not constricted to a certain time framework as humans on earth are.

Time: Part 1—The Mystery of Time

Adapted from a chapter in Ken Boa’s book “God, I Don’t Understand,” this series will explore how the Bible views time, including the relationship between God and time and between humans and time. Part 1 gives an overview of the mystery surrounding time, emphasizing the limits of the human perspective and the evidence that there is more to time than we often consider.

Image of a day-planner calendar

Some Principles for Managing Time

As if you could kill time without injuring eternity. —Henry David Thoreau [lead]How can you begin to control your time instead of letting time control you?[/lead] Following are three key principles to help you start to use and manage your time well. (Note: It’s helpful if you read

Image of a pocket clock

Viewing Time God’s Way

The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish hours—confound him, too, who in this place set up a sun-dial to cut and hack my days so wretchedly into small pieces! —Plautus (Greek playwright in Rome, second century BC) Consciousness of time jumped dramatically in the

1 Peter Study, Part 7 (at Christ Church): Applying What You See

Peter admonishes his readers to have an uplook and an outlook..  Our uplook determines our outlook and our outlook determines our behavior.  As we look up, we are to apply what we see. We are called to become a people who manifest the new life in this present world.