Tag: 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible

The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible (Story #12): The Scarlet Thread

The centrally important Davidic Covenant is the focus of the 12th story in this series.  Focus text: 2 Samuel 7 This series is based on Ken’s coauthored book (with John Alan Turner), The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible. Purchase here. [vector_icon icon=”fas fa-arrow-circle-right” color=”#dd9933″]

The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible (Story #5): Real Freedom (Exodus 20)

After the Israelites were delivered from the hand of the Egyptians and they were waiting to enter the Promised Land, God, through Moses, taught them how to live in their newfound freedom. These principles, summarized in the Ten Commandments, still have a profound impact on the world today.

The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible (Story #4): Birth of a Nation (Exodus 1–14)

The exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land was as much about the process as it was about the outcome; the same can be said of our life journeys, because God is not just taking us somewhere, but He’s making us someone in the process: a people for His own possession, for His own glory.