Tag: best interests

1 Samuel 15: A Rebellious Redefinition

Where is your trust? Either you will be like Saul and trust in yourself, or you will trust God and realize that satisfaction only comes from obeying, knowing, and loving God.

1 Samuel 10: Our Gracious King

The only way to find what you’re looking for is to die to yourself and surrender to God. Every day, we have to decide whether we will die to ourselves and seek God, or whether we will fall prey to the temptations of the world and walk in rebellion.

Contentment in Christ

What matters most to you? Unless we know who and Whose we are, our answer to this question will lead only to discontentment.

Q&A Session: January 7, 2022

We need to make the most of the time. And we do so not by striving harder or filling our hours with empty work, but by surrendering to God and serving Him in His strength.