Tag: calling

Person straddling two sides of a highway divider line

A Biblical View of Purpose, Part 2: Discerning God’s Calling

Make sure you’ve read “A Biblical View of Purpose, Part 1” first. [lead]We can’t lay hold of God’s unique purpose for our lives without spending time with him and inviting him to clarify his purpose for us in his timing and way.[/lead] It is never too late to

Practicing the Presence of God: Part 28

Dr. Boa discusses how the mind works, and how we can renew our minds to become the people we were created to be. We can remind ourselves all the time that we were meant for more than this world.

Person walking along road into the horizon

A Biblical View of Purpose, Part 1: Knowing Where You’re Going

[lead]Most people seem to journey through years, even decades, without seriously wrestling with the fundamental question of why they are here on earth, where their journey is taking them, and what they want their lives to add up to in the end.[/lead] These people may occasionally wonder, What

1 Peter Study, Part 8 (at Christ Church): Rewriting Your Broken Story

We all have broken stories and Peter wants us to understand that we can rewrite our story.  We can imbed our story in a greater narrative that begins and ends well.  When we are a part of God’s story our life matters.  When we keep an eternal perspective we understand that the adversity and afflictions of this life will only be brief and the glory will endure.

1 Peter Study, Part 7 (at Christ Church): Applying What You See

Peter admonishes his readers to have an uplook and an outlook..  Our uplook determines our outlook and our outlook determines our behavior.  As we look up, we are to apply what we see. We are called to become a people who manifest the new life in this present world.