Tag: eternal

Time: Part 6—Time & Eternity

God put a longing for eternity in our hearts; when we die, time will continue forever, in a way only God can see fully, with qualitative differences from our current experience of time. The process of aging will cease, and time will no longer constrain us or drag us down.

Time: Part 4—Time & God

Our conventional view of time is insufficient to explain the eternal nature of God. As the one who created our space-time universe and stands outside of time, God always was and always is; there’s never been a time when He didn’t exist. He alone is able to survey time in its entire duration. Some of the things related to God’s purposes, such as free will, election, and divine sovereignty, are mysterious to us because of our own limited view of time.

Warfare Spirituality: Part 1

Ken Boa introduces the reality of spiritual warfare in the believer’s life. Scripture upholds this middle territory of demonic and angelic powers. A healthy balanced view of this warfare is important for a victorious Christian life.

Practicing the Presence of God: Part 18

Dr. Boa continues his discussion of Jesus’s spiritual practices and his invitation to us to practice God’s presence, just as he did on earth. Today’s lesson picks up in John 10.

1 Peter Study, Part 13 (at Christ Church): Spheres of Authority II

Dr. Boa continues his discussion of the practical application of the spheres of God ordained authority.  Peter transitions from governing authorities to that of the work place.  There is no dichotomy between the sacred and the secular. We are called to do our work as to the Lord rather than for men.  As we look to Him as the Source and to Him for the outcome, we pursue a higher standard than we would otherwise.

1 Peter Study, Part 8 (at Christ Church): Rewriting Your Broken Story

We all have broken stories and Peter wants us to understand that we can rewrite our story.  We can imbed our story in a greater narrative that begins and ends well.  When we are a part of God’s story our life matters.  When we keep an eternal perspective we understand that the adversity and afflictions of this life will only be brief and the glory will endure.