Tag: friendship

The Five Loves—and the Highest of These Is Agape Love

In the article below, Dr. Boa synthesizes material from several teaching sessions from his series Biblical Principles for Marriage and from portions of his spiritual formation text Conformed to His Image (primarily from chapter 18, “Holistic Spirituality”). Dr. Boa focuses on agape love as one of the five forms of loves (based on the different Greek words). After reviewing all forms, he gives reasons for why agape is the greatest.

Agape Love in English and Greek Bibles

The Five Loves—and the Highest of These Is Agape Love?

This 2-part article by Ken Boa and Michael Stewart explores the nature of agape love. In Part 1, Ken argues for agape as the highest form of love, a divine love that help us to love others well, especially in marriage. In Part 2, Michael considers the nature of language and raises the question of whether we understand agape correctly.

Growth Through Grief

In grief, we can choose to remain dormant or to grow. But to experience the new growth of spring, it is essential that in the dark, winter season we, like a bare tree, respond to the Light.

Holistic Spirituality: Part 29—Friendship

Ken Boa moves from the marital and parent/child relationships to discussing friendship, another area of horizontal relationship that can be fueled by and infused with God.