Tag: Jesus

365 Key Chapters of the Bible: Luke 7

In Luke 7, we see Jesus’ expanding ministry, which evokes a dual reaction of either growing belief or growing rejection. Luke in particular emphasizes the perfect humanity of Jesus as the fulfillment of the ideal Man and His compassion on people from all classes of society.

365 Key Chapters of the Bible: Luke 2

In this chapter of Jesus’ birth and youth, we see the third and fourth of four hymns in Luke’s Gospel: the Gloria in Excelsis of the heavenly host and the Nunc Dimittis of Simeon.

365 Key Chapters of the Bible: Mark 8

Jesus responds to mounting opposition by intensifying His teaching and preparation of His disciples so that they will be prepared for His departure.

8 Spiritual Essentials (at First Redeemer): #2 Love Jesus

Loving Jesus more than anything and anyone else is the second of eight “spiritual essentials” (core aspects of the Christian faith) Ken Boa is discussing with his Friday morning men’s study at First Redeemer Church (Cumming, GA).

365 Key Chapters of the Bible: Matthew 17

Following Jesus’ question of the disciples in Matthew 16, “Who do you say that I am?” in Matthew 17, we read the solid evidences that Jesus fulfills the qualifications for Israel’s Messiah in His lineage, His healing ministry, and His teachings.

Practicing the Presence of God: Part 13

Dr. Boa continues his discussion of the invitation of Jesus to pursue God’s presence, exchanging our time and our lives for something worth much more.

Practicing the Presence of God: Part 11

Continuing to build the biblical foundation, Dr. Boa examines the four Gospels to see how Jesus practiced the presence of God in total dependence and submission.

Empty tomb

The Resurrection—Pillar of Christianity, Part 2: Explaining the Tomb & Appearances

There are only two options regarding the status of Jesus’ tomb that first Easter morning: it was empty or it was occupied. In this article, Ken Boa summarizes the theories posited by skeptics for these two options, none of which comes close to accounting for the historical facts. He also gives a synopsis of the skeptics’ theories about the post-Resurrection appearances.