Tag: practicing the presence of God

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Practicing God’s Presence through Videos

[raw] [jumbotron title_size=”30px” text_size=”18px” text_align=”left” wpautop=”true”] ‘The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.’ —Psalm 19:1 [/jumbotron] [/raw] This compilation of videos and video resources offers a glimpse into the beauty, complexity, and diversity of the world

Journey Inside the Cell

“A unique look at the evidence for intelligent design as described in Dr. Stephen C. Meyer’s book Signature in the Cell.”

Practicing the Presence of God: Part 34

In this last session of his series on Practicing the Presence of God, Dr. Boa discusses the dynamic process of becoming in practice (by spiritual habits) who God has declared us to be. We can recalibrate our minds for a godly life by putting Scripture into practice.

Practicing the Presence of God: Part 31

Dr. Boa talks about our development in this soul-forming world as we are prepared for the next. In the meantime, we live as light amidst a crooked and perverse generation.

Practicing the Presence of God: Part 30

Dr. Boa talks about finishing well by learning to invite God into our lives and practice his presence and discusses the possibilities technology may bring in the near future.