Author: Ken Boa

Practicing the Presence of God: Part 20

Dr. Boa explores some optical illusions and poetry to illustrate how our view of the world can get skewed and how practicing God’s presence can set our vision straight.

Photo of tall trees

Growing in Character

Wisdom for Dummies: The Book of Proverbs[note]This content is taken from chapter 3 of Dr. Boa’s book The Perfect Leader.[/note] People generally don’t like being called “dummies.” And yet how can we explain the overwhelming success of a series of books aimed at dummies? Beginning with the November 1991

Row of desks in a classroom

Teaching Approaches and Learning Styles

Ken Boa explores seven approaches to teaching/learning, all used by Jesus, that demonstrate the importance of variety and unpredictability in our communication delivery methods. The seven methods are lecture, stories, visual aids, Q&A, discussion, drama, and projects. These are useful to anyone, but especially those who teach, preach, or mentor on a regular basis.