Tag: calling

God Has Called You

Sharing the gospel is not simply for professionals—God has called you. You are an agent of God with a particular sphere of influence to leverage for His glory.

The End in Mind

It is possible to be alive and yet never really live. If you never ask the right questions about your purpose, you will go through life as if in a catatonic state. But living with the end in mind is a reminder to look to Christ.

A Clear Calling

Why do you get up in the morning? What is your reason for being here? If you do not answer these questions about your purpose, the world will define it by default. Arriving at a biblical understanding of purpose is fundamental to the way you live.

What Is My Purpose and Calling?

It is important to realize that, while evangelism is a key part of this calling, edification is the end game. We are not called to make only converts, but disciples—ones who becomes like the Master. Our universal purpose, then, is to love God with our whole life by becoming more like Christ and by making disciples who do the same.

A Transcendent Purpose

God’s purpose for our lives transcends our career and present circumstances. This involves both a universal and a unique purpose.

Deuteronomy 7: Warnings about the World

Moses warned the Israelites about the Canaanite nations in Deuteronomy 7. He knew the seductive siren call of the world—which we, too, must resist.

Saints in Christ

What does it mean to be a saint? Ephesians 1:1–4 gives the answer.

Practicing God’s Presence

Informal times with God are crucial to our relationship with Him. Practicing His presence involves taking advantage of kairos time and developing our relationship with Him.

A Choice of Two Paths

How do you define success? The book of Proverbs and the two invitations of Folly and Wisdom show success according to God.

Acts 17: How to Spread the Good News

On his missionary journeys, Paul encountered many kinds of people. He had to be able to relate to them all in order to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.