Tag: sin

1 Kings 12: The Kingdom Divided

God fulfills His promises and accomplishes His purposes. We should cling to Him no matter the circumstances of life and trust that He will do what He’s said He will do.

2 Samuel 12: The Discipline of the Father

God holds those who trust in Him forever secure in His hands. However, this does not mean we are now invulnerable to all consequences of sin. The Lord disciplines those He loves.

2 Samuel 11: Midlife Crisis

Victory often leads to vulnerability. If you do not strengthen yourself in the Lord in the midst of victory, sin is fast to creep in.

2 Samuel 5: Hidden Sins

Satan tempts us to take small steps in sin, leading us astray by degrees. The more we give in, the easier it will become for us to sin. And the more we sin, the more we will be tempted to keep hidden sins that will overwhelm our lives.

The Grace and Justice of God

Is God fair? Does He even care? These two questions are the heart of our objection to Christianity regarding those who have never heard the gospel.

A Closer Walk with God

Suffering is a required course in the university of life, one that should lead to you a closer walk with God.

Galatians 5: Freedom from the Law

“At least I’m better than them.” Our natural tendency is to take this attitude of comparison, believing that we deserve heaven because we are better than others. But the standard of comparison is not horizontal—it’s vertical.

Set Free in Christ

Those who walk by the flesh cannot please God and are dead, but those who walk by the Spirit have life in God (Romans 8:1–8). The good news is that we are set free in Christ to walk by the Spirit and have eternal life.

Weapons for the War

Until Christ returns, we must do battle with the world, the flesh, and the devil. But we can take heart: these three do not have the final victory.

Judges 14: Resisting Our Flesh Signature

The story of Samson shows us that not only is sin deadly; it is also a diminishment. There is no creativity in our flesh signature. But righteousness is creative and an enhancement of life.